Strategic Discussion with Hukumonline on Maintaining HHR Lawyers' Independence as a Leading Indonesian Law Firm
Yesterday, we had the pleasure of welcoming the Hukumonline team, represented by Amrie Hakim (Chief Media & Engagement Officer), Grace Nagatami Susilo (AVP Customer Experience & Engagement), ?Mevi Hariyanti (ES Sales Manager), ?Willa Wahyuni (News Reporter), ?and Cahya Kinari A.P (Activation Officer) for a discussion on the Meritas Asia Regional Meeting 2024 in Bali which HHR Lawyers hosted on 22-24 August 2024.
The discussion was focused on the important strategy to keep our law firm’s identity as Indonesian domestic law firm - keeping its independence and not under the roof or shadow of another foreign law firm in doing its legal practice in Indonesia, as this spirit was canvased in the Indonesian Advocate Law of 2003. The model which compromises the intervention and control of the foreign law firm is clearly not always a good panacea and solution for an Indonesian domestic law firm.
The model that HHR chooses is an independent domestic firm with the active driven values in implementing cross-border and international legal practice through the networking with all independence law firms around the globe, within Meritas networking.
We think globally but solve issues locally.
Meritas is a network of 171 top-ranking law firms in 90 countries with a total of 8760 lawyers around the globe.